Monday, 14 January 2013

Are we crazy or what!

Yes it has been proved we are crazy..... who in their right mind would go out on the first day of  'real' snowfall this winter!!!  Well, there were a few of us 'stalwarts', and thanks to Lynda (who turned up early) the heating was beginning to warm the hall.  Thanks Lynda for making the effort to keep us warm.

I think this is another UFO but has the promise of getting a bit nearer completion this year. Mind you if the weather stays bad, it will be a nice thing to curl up under while hand quilting.

bit of practice first.

Diane brought in a couple of her wall hangings to show someone (but they were not one of the brave!).

One of Diane's first projects.
Liz has been busy making a table centre for a friend.

Lovely, and look at that binding... well done.
And what can I spy here...... do you see some paint samples?????   Ooh! is this the start of someone's challenge!  You won't see this again until its finished.

Bond-a-web getting to work

 Looks like some thinking going on here......what to do with a button that disappears into the pincushion????

How about a bit of glue...

Now, is this a little late for 2012 or  little early for 2013 Christmas!

So neat.
Don't tell me we have jeans being repaired!

well yes, but with a bit of flair and  Sashiko embroidery

Very posh patching.

Gentle reminder that next week is an 'all day' with a difference, its our first AGM.  

Jo will be resigning from her position of program organiser, but will be around to help her replacement if needed.


  1. Quite a select few today! lots of talking not a lot of doing!!! oh! but it was warm.

  2. Sorry I was late but so pleased that I came. If only to have a catch up chat and a nice coffee and a warm. Not much work done in our corner think Ena was on strike. Looking forward to next week to finish last years work.....
    Sorry Jo is resigning as she has done a very good job in the last year' Thank you Jo.

  3. Thanks Ellen, it was quite fun just sitting around talking and catching up
