Friday, 22 April 2016


Project week at Group saw the ladies trying out a simple Bargello pattern.

It all staerted very promptly because the "teacher" had to leave at 1pm.

heads down and keeping busy

There was some lovely colour selections

Lots of sewing and  cutting and before the magic began

Checking the placement

starting to see the design
Ellen ( who had been quiet all morning) was the first to complete her top


Jackie added all the extra fabric to her panel

So (nearly) all the cushion fronts were completed in a couple of hours.......

Except for Mrs Beal who spent far too much time relaxing......

But I have it on good authority that hers was completed during the week.

Hopefully we will see the finished pieces next week when more photos will be taken.


  1. What a lovely lot of Bargello piecing going on, well done ladies

  2. Lovely colours so I hope we see the finished cushions.

  3. really enjoyed the day and so so pleased with my finished cushion
